Le drame des avortements tardifs en Russie


Killing Girls
80 minute film about a late term abortion department in Russia for teenagers.


‘Killing Girls is a story about moral and economical choices in today’s Russian society. It is the story of three girls that at one point in their life decided to end a pregnancy at a late term. It is the story of the doctor who performs these late term abortions.
In the film we follow these characters closely for three years. Through them we learn about the living conditions for the younger generation in Russia, those that dream of a glamorous western lifestyle, but are condemned to live hunting for money to buy a moment of happiness. Nobody has time to have children any longer. Fighting to find an income in a society with badly paid work, children have become a problem.

La doctoresse dit " ça fait mal, ça fait mal physiquement et psychologiquement".
M. Poutine, Messieurs les Oligarques, que ferez vous pour empêcher ces horreurs, pour que les femmes et les enfants aient une autre issue que ce "less evil" ? Est il si difficile d'aider des jeunes filles à avoir une contraception, est il si difficile de recueillir les enfants ?