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Eco féminisme

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Mother Earth and Women are the creative energies that sustain life on Earth and in our homes and communities.

Capitalist Patriarchy defined Nature as dead, as mere raw material to be exploited. Women were defined as passive, as a "second sex". Their knowledge was not counted by the reductionist, mechanistic paradigm of science. Their work in sustainance was not counted by the reductionist mechanistic paradigm of "growth" based on GDP which measures only what is commodified and traded, not what nourishes us. Economies based on greed and profits have exploited the earth and women. It has created the illusion of limitless growth on a planet with limits.

Ecofeminism, as part of Earth Democracy, recognises that all beings are creative, intelligent, productive. That women have sustained the economy of care and well being.That as an earth family we are all equal, and violence against the earth and women is not acceptable. That all of us, women and men, are called on by the earth to contribute to the work that is needed for the well being of the earth and society.

Femmes semencières : 

L'objectif de ce Mouvement est de relier à travers le monde toutes celles et ceux qui le souhaitent pour faire vivre des projets de reproduction et de conservation de semences vivantes et reproductibles.
Le Mouvement des Femmes Semencières souhaite favoriser l'émergence d'oasis de la biodiversité partout dans le monde, par l'information, en facilitant les transferts de compétences, les rencontres, les échanges de semences et de plantes.

Seeds of Freedom :

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