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Israel et le massacre d'Hébron

à la différence du Père Charcour, et d'autres palestiniens, cette femme souhaite un nouvel Hébron à l'échelle d'Israel avec la bénédiction d'Allah, l'Allah du coran, soit la représentation de la mort

May 13, 2011
Clip No. 

92-Year-Old Palestinian Woman in a Right-of-Return Demonstration: Palestinians Should Massacre the Jews Like We Massacred Them in Hebron

Following are excerpts from an interview with Sara Jaber, a 92-year-old Palestinian who participated in a Right of Return demonstration on the Jordanian Israeli border. The interview was aired on Al-Aqsa TV on May 13, 2011: 
Interviewer: Please tell us who you are.
Sara Jaber: I am from Hebron. The Jaber family. 
Interviewer: What is your name?
Sara Jaber: Sara Muhammad 'Awwadh Jaber. 
Interviewer: How old are you?
Sara Jaber: I am 92. 
Interviewer: So you remember May 15, 1948, the day of the Nakba.
Sara Jaber: Why wouldn't I remember? May Allah support us. I hope we forget those days. Allah willing, you will bury [Israel], and massacre the Jews with your own hands. Allah willing, you will massacre them like we massacred them in Hebron. 
Interviewer: What does this day mean to you? You have lived 63 years since the Nakba. You have experienced the entire Nakba...
Sara Jaber: 92 years. That's 92. I lived through the British era, and I lived through the massacre of the Jews in Hebron. We, the people of Hebron, massacred the Jews. My father massacred them, and brought back some stuff...
p>Interviewer: Thank you very much. 

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